Its seems like eons ago that we all celebrated the turn of the clock which marked to beginning of a new decade. Now it looks as if we cannot wait for this year to complete or at least be over soon enough.
2020 was set to be the dawn of a new decade which was supposed to take us all into higher and happier places, but 6 months into the start of the decade all that height and happiness feels like an ash cloud in our mouths.
The year has been chaotic and chock a full of surprise and nothing of the good sort either....
- Bushfires and Wildfires in Australia in Jan-Feb created one of the biggest ecological disasters. While the world was trying to tackle that challenge there is another on the horizon...
- COVID-19 or China virus as President Trump rightly calls it has set the entire world into lockdown. By the end of February, the travel industry was shuttered and in shambles, while governments the world over imposed lockdowns to try to get ahead of the rapid spread of the virus leaving the economy tottering
- It is now June, 19th to be precise and the world has still not yet opened for business, the unemployment is rising and people are now running out of funds to survive. There is still no vaccine in sight and looks like it will be early 2021 until we get one
- While all this is going on, we have also lost people to senseless killings and police brutality in the US, Georgy Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Rayshard Brooks... these are just a few lives which have been lost in the last month or so in the US
While all this happening, peoples lives are put on hold, most of the people in the retail, service and hospitality industry have been furloughed or have lost their jobs. Large companies are declaring bankruptcies and the situation overall looks bleak from the economic and fiscal point of view.
But "This too shall pass" the story of humanity has been the story of resilience, it has been the story of defiance, humanity and humans have long fought battles and odds often seen insurmountable and won. The key to coming out of this better and more cohesive than before is "Empathy". The word seems to have lost its meaning in the last few years and it seems to have lost its efficacy especially in 2020.
I have faith, and I have the confidence that we will rediscover "Empathy" and we will be very much better for it.
In closing, I implore anyone reading this to STAY SAFE
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