India went to vote over the period of last few month, today on 23rd, May 2019 the election results were declared and the verdict is clear: India trusts it Prime Minister Narendra Modi and has delivered a decisive mandate in BJP and its allies - NDA's (National Democratic Alliance) favor.
The thumping victory started a deluge of messages and forwards in WhatsApp groups, I received the below image as a forward (creator unknown). I do not know if the words were ever spoken by Shri. Atal Behari Vajpayee but in my humble opinion, "More Truer words have never been spoken"
The thumping victory started a deluge of messages and forwards in WhatsApp groups, I received the below image as a forward (creator unknown). I do not know if the words were ever spoken by Shri. Atal Behari Vajpayee but in my humble opinion, "More Truer words have never been spoken"
The simplest translation of this is: "Today our government has lost the vote of confidence by just 1 vote. Due to our lack of majority, the Congress Party is making fun of us, but they should always remember that there will come a day when we will form governments across all the states in the country and the entire country will be laughing at them."
That day is today - 23rd May, 2019 when the verdict of the people is clear. The Mandate is full majority and the choice is clear: Narendra Damodardas Modi
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