R.I.P - Empathy

The past few months have been a laundry list of one bad news over another. It is as if humans are falling over themselves to show that they are the baddest and the meanest of all on this earth.

In US - the a member of the group protesting the removal of Confederate statues ran over a woman opposing the protest. In the subsequent war of words between the Alt Right and the Alt Left, and the President of the US blaming both groups for the violence without making a strong stand against bigotry and hatred left the door open for continued bad behavior.

In all this hoopla nobody gave a thought to the family of the woman who died, everybody was busy justifying why the other side was wrong, empathy suffered.

Then came Hurricane Harvey. Mother Nature came down scornful and vengeful on Texas leveling everything in her way. As soon as the dust settled the cacophony of who should be taking responsibility for the relief and rescue and who is responsible for the lack of resources in relief started. News report of people having to pay rent on broken and flooded houses emerged, corporates again showed their greed by making sure that no chance of profit was left unexploited. Empathy withered

Mexico was ravaged by an earthquake, the President of US - a prolific tweeter on all times of day and night did not even offer a token tweet about standing with the neighbors in their time of need, Mexico had offered aid to Texas to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey which was then withdrawn to deal with their own calamity, the President did not utter a peep. Empathy went in a coma

Closer to home, on the Indian subcontinent the Rohingyas are being massacred and being forced to flee their homes in a state sponsored violence. People are becoming refugees in nearby countries it is a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions with more than 300,000 people fleeing the violence.

Instead of being offered a helping hand or a strong shoulder, politics is being played with their lives. They are being labeled as susceptible to insurgence, harboring terrorists and India is even thinking of deporting them back to where they escaped from - A country which does not want them, resents them and even goes as far as saying that they are not recognized citizens of the country. Empathy died

What is wrong with this world? A helping hand, a soothing pat and healing word is lot more effective and simpler that a striking hand and a mean threat.

The dictionary defines empathy as: "The ability to understand and share the feelings of another"

I guess we as humans and society have become so inward looking and so self absorbed that we no longer remember what empathy is.

R.I.P Empathy!!! You will be sorely missed...
