The Art of Being Lazy!!!

Laziness is an art, it is an subtle art, but an art nonetheless. Most commonly people confuse being lazy with stupidity. Stupidity is easy, being lazy is far, far difficult and involves a lot of hard work (pardon the irony). Though the textbook defination of lazy suggests otherwise, being lazy requires lot more dedication, attention to detail and imagination than most people would associate it with or even care to imagine.

The most common misconception today is that being hard worker makes all the difference in the world. You could not be more wrong about that. The idea is so far removed from today's reality that seems to exist in another universe or dimension altogether. Times change and with them change the adges of the old.

In today's world being a hard worker is the quickest path for exploitation. There are people always ready to exploit, it just needs waiting for the right time and opportunity. Today the world is defined by individualism, being a hard worker is not an asset but a liability.

From my experiences in the real world, both corporate and personal, a hard worker is typically treated like the beast of burden - The Donkey. Everybody who can, will siphon off their work to the hard worker under the guise of it allowing them to grow. The guillible soul believes too -- after all isn't it an old saying that "Hard work is always rewarded". It absolutely is - but by more hard work... :) [Ironical ain't it?]

The hardest working person that you may know around you will also be the one person without a life of his/her own. No time for socializing, hobbies or even catching up with old friends, everything is sacrificed on the altar of hard work. Contrast this with the lazy, you may argue that the lazy is in the almost same situation, which is true, but atleast the situation is of the lazy's making and can be gotten out of anytime unlike Mr. Hard Work. Not having a social life or hobby is a matter of choice for the lazy rather than the circumstance.

Being lazy is like arriving in the land of plenty during the harvest time. There are so many fruits, grains, vegetables and what not to choose from... oh the opportunities....if only taken.... :)

It depends on the type of lazy that you are for laziness to give you the best benefit. Believe me there are times when being lazy is generally not very effective. There are basically two types of lazy: One called "Sloth". No offence to the sloths, but this type of lazy is utterly and totally useless, one which exists just for the purpose of existing, sponging off others and making a general nuisance of themselves. Unfortunately for the world, it has more of sloths that it can handle, thus collectively contributing to the general uselessness.

The second category of lazy if the "Smart Lazy". This lazy is the difference between the survivial of the human race and its extinction. I know, I know... big words ain't those? But just stop and think for a while... how did people invent things? If everybody liked working hard and hard work always pays, then you wouldn't have any inventions coming along as people would be too busy doing their day to day work, who would have time to think out of the box.

Now replace a hard worker with a smart lazy, a person who looks to get out of work at the first opportunity, not by shirking it but by doing it in such a way that it need be done only once. Poof!!! you have your invention...

Now I know this over simplifies a bit, but then you get the basic idea don't you?? and the next time you call somebody a lazy.. Think again.... ;)


  1. Hey dude!!....I was called 'Laziest' in my family just a day before I read this.... Now I am wondering what they exactly meant.... I mean which type...:P
    I must say ----
    "Tribute to all Lazy Creatures....Cheers!"

  2. He He!!! Just point them to this post and ask for clarification!!!!

    For all we know you could be the next Leonardo da Vinci!!!!!! :)

    Cheer Mate,


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