P.V. Narasimha Rao -- The Congress Scapegoat

        Most of India remembers P. V. Narasimha Rao as the man under whose leadership India faced a religious crisis, the man who allowed Babri Masjid to be demolished. The Congress is quick to lay blame at his feet as a man who failed in his duties as the leader of a Nation to protect its citizen in its hour of need; while crediting Rajiv Gandhi & Manmohan Singh for India's economic growth.

        Rao was a true opportunist. He was the person who was in the right place at the right time to take control. A close confidante of Indira Gandhi; Rao took the same position under Rajiv after Indira’s assassination. By 1991 Rao was ready to retire from politics and return to his life as a scholar in pursuit of knowledge.

        But destiny has other plans and landed him the PM’s chair when Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated. The infighting within Congress reached such a peak that Rao was the only viable choice which appealed to all faction within the Congress.

        The wily politician wasted no time as he strengthened his grip on the position by shrewdly keeping all the strongmen and his potential opponents out of key government positions.

        From the sociological policies of Nehru, continuing through Indira & Rajiv, Rao has inherited an almost bankrupt economy and a nation on the brink of sectarian violence. It was Rao’s political acumen that saw a non-political Manmohan Singh at the helm of the finance of the country. The vast majority given to him by the electorate meant that he held a lot of power and being a career politician who enjoyed close proximity to Indira & Rajiv, Rao was no stranger to strong arm politics.

        As the Congress is so fond of saying, he was a man who allowed the country’s secular fabric be demolished by doing nothing when the Babri Masjid was pulled down, the Congress conveniently forgets him when talking about liberalization and turning India around from the brink of bankruptcy.

        Narasimha Rao had many facets, that he was a ruthless personality who had his own agenda and executed it without a flaw in the years he was helm of the country is a proof of his acumen. His legacy to Indian politics was to strong arm the electorate and nation into paths of his choosing – a lesson that is well learnt by the current Congress regime.

        Above all he was only person without any political affiliation and who was not a Gandhi who governed the country for a full term of 5 years. That the Congress rewarded him by expelling him the party when the going got tough for it and it needed a convenient scapegoat speaks volumes about our reigning National Party.


  1. very true !!!
    he was the main culprit or rising corruption in india in early 90's

    1. Amit, I agree P V Narasimha Rao was the culprit behind the rising corruption and ultimately the rise of Sonia Gandhi in politics. But he was also a visionary who pulled the country out of bankruptcy. For that atleast we need to thank him.

    2. And I agree not only to the blog but also to your comment. You've written a nice tribute to Narasimha Rao.


    3. Thanks BoB. It's human nature to forget a persons good deeds and focus only on the worst.

      The above scenario is being played out in form of a movie in real lie between the Congress and Narendra Modi. While Congress conveniently chooses to ignore the growth in Gujarat and just high the 2002 riots, it turns around and pats Omar Abdullah in the back for the handling of the Kishwar riots. Democracy is fast becoming a farce in India.


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