Spirituality – the Unique Genius of Indian Civilization. must read. its awesome
By Ameet Soni
Source: Facebook Notes. Content Taken with permission of the author.
Out of 49 civilizations, which existed prior to the Christian era, only the Indian civilization is still living and vibrant. Rest are mere brick and ruins of archaeological and tourist interests. India’s unique genius is spirituality. All human endeavours, including thought, words, actions and relationships are considered as spiritual in nature.
India was attacked 69 times in the last 2000 years. But India did not attack any other country. Other religions came to convert Indians. But Hindus did not try to convert anybody to Hinduism. Jews and Parsees, who were sent out of their countries, were given refuge in India. India accepts all religions as true and respects Prophets of all religions. Like water from the sky, falling on the Mother Earth, ultimately merges with the ocean, all prostrations go to the same God, irrespective of different names and forms. Truth is one. Sages and scholars call truth, as God, by different names.
Four religions were born in India. Two were given refuge. Christianity was allowed to propagate and profess their faith. Hindus accepted the mystic part of Islam, namely Sufism. Buddha abandoned a kingdom for seeking a solution for man’s suffering. The concept of compassion was given by Lord Buddha. Ahimsa and vegetarianism are ideals given by Jainism. All are given freedom to choose a God in whatever form they likes.
Helping others is merit and hurting others is sin. By giving more, you become more. Give more and take less. Gratitude is a great virtue. We are grateful to the Sun and the planets, to plant life, to animals and all entities. We respect certain species.
Hinduism is the only religion, which has given an honoured place for women. Rivers are conceptualised as women. In every part of the country, in every century, India gave birth to saints and sages. Even in the last century, India gave birth to Ramana Maharshi, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Yogananda, Aurobindo, Rama Thirtha and many others. Even now, India has Sai Baba and Mata Amritanandamayi, highly evolved souls. They have millions of devotees all over the world. He is trying to bring all religions together, allowing to retain their religious identity and enrich their religions with the thoughts of Satya Sai Baba.
India’s unity is based on the ideals and philosophy of India. The Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Order and the Law of Incarnation are the three philosophical thoughts. We are what we are because of past actions and our future will depend upon present actions. We are enjoying or suffering because of past good deeds or bad deeds. Thus we are arbiters of our own destiny. Concepts of zero, infinity, decimals, gravity, planetary movements, etc., were all given in the Vedas.
Hinduism is not a religion. It is a ‘view of life and a way of life’. Even atheists have a place in the religion. We accept that all should rise to a higher state of bring. Means are as important as ends. Pursuit of wealth and desires are legitimate, as long as they do not contradict. Dharma, which will protect those who observe Dharma. The concept of yoga and meditation are India’s contribution to the world, which quieten and control the mind.
India’s spiritual literature is spread over one million pages, consisting of the four Vedas, 108 Upanishads, Brahmasootras, Bhagavad Gita. These concepts are illustrated in 18 Puranas, 18 Upapuranas, Neeti Sastra, Kautilya Sastra, Vidura Neeti, Gandharva Veda, Ayur Veda, Jyothisha Sastra and many other Upangas. Commentaries on all these are given by hundreds of saints and sages throughout history.
Dr. David Frawley, called Pandit Vamadeva Sastri, has appealed to all Indians that they should spread India’s ancient thought and wisdom to the whole world, since world is now in deep trouble due to environmental decay, degeneration of values, conflicts, rising crime, etc. Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo have said that India should become a world teacher in the 21st century. Arnold Toynbee, the great historian, has also said “India has been conquered many times for the last 20 centuries. But she will conquer the world with her wisdom in this century”. Warren Hastings, Governor General of India, got Bhagavad Gita translated into English and got it printed, both at government expense. He also wrote a Foreword, saying that long after British leave India, Bhagavad Gita will illumine the world.
India looks up to the whole scholars for spreading these noble ideals, such as “For the large-hearted, world is one family. Let noble thoughts come from every where”. Therefore, it is the duty of Indians to disseminate India’s message in all parts of the world. Scholars in other parts of the world would expand, develop and spread them for the benefit of mankind.
That today we are blindly aping the Western ethos while they are desperately trying to find the semblance of life in our ancient texts speaks for volumes on how wrong things have gotten for us lately. But there is hope and that hope should come from within.
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