Another Year Gone - Countdown begins....

2011 the start of a new decade is almost over. Looking back at what happened in these past 12 months makes me realize that a lot has changed.

Overall in the general scheme everything looks ok, unchanged superficially; looking beyond the outer package, things are not the same.

For starters I have aged an year... [sigh]... This was my year of change, my first post was about my new year resolutions, I kept some of them diligently, followed some with a bit of reluctance and threw the rest in trash before the first month was up... They say hind sight is 20-20, looking back on the year that has passed, I can see a lot of things that I would have liked to do differently, but again, the time and opportunity has passed while I was staring at something else... :)

It makes me wonder, why I haven't been able to learn from my past, the reason it seems is I am too busy planning my future. Again there lies the problem: I plan, but don't implement. I wonder if there are a lot of people with the same problem as mine... and if so, can I outsource the implementation... :). We being the outsourcing Kings of the World currently, may be this is 1 more opportunity to make money.

It should be easier implementing somebody elses dream rather than ours coz I believe that satisifies all our baser curiosities in life, poking our noses into somebody's affairs, messing up somebody elses life for a change and most importantly not getting that feeling of being worthless if the dreams are not realized....


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