
CHANGE - This was the one theme that got Barack Obama the highest office in USA along with the slogan YES WE CAN....

Sadly India seems to be resisitant to all efforts of CHANGE so far, with so many internal & external problems plaguing the country, we really need to take a deep look at what really makes us tick?

The nation INDIA as we know it now, was essentially first founded by the Mughals, who suceeded in uniting what was fragmented nation of princely states and kingdom into one strong Empire.

But the lacerny and the rot that followed the successive Mughal rulers after Akbar, essentailly saw the Mughal Empire disintegrate into the old status quo, that is until the advent of the British under the aegis of East India Company.

The British united the nation from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, for purely administrative purposes and this saw the geographically and regionally different diaspora of the country intermingle for the first time.

A land that was divided by a gamut of languages and religions, still remains as fragmented as it was before & during the RAJ era.

The social fabric of this secular nation was never united on any issues. This can be clearly seen and felt from the way we distinguish amongst ourselves in the name of cast, creed, sub-caste, language, religion to mention the few.

As an citizen of this country I feel frustrated and stymied in the myriad of Indian mentality.

Change... can we? Where do we start?
